YES 11 Week Ski Instructor Courses, Whistler

The YES Professional Ski Instructor Course (aka: The FULL Enchilada!) is the ultimate program for those looking to get the most out of their time in Whistler. YES have spent the last few years listening to graduates' feedback and believe they have built the new generation of ski courses! YES will now be taking the 11 week course into the backcountry!

The Ski Instructor course will improve your interpersonal skills, you will become a better communicator and increase your technical knowledge as you advance your own skiing to new heights! This extensive program will take you through the necessary training in order for you to gain your CSIA Level 1 & 2 certification.

The program includes technical video, on-going assessment of your skiing progress, weekly fun video (see yourself on the big screen at our weekly Friday après) and a written personalized evaluation each week from qualified Level 4 Pros. Technical video is just one of the integral ingredients of the YES recipe for success. Being able to watch yourself will strengthen your mental imagery to improve your technique and tactics.

The 11 Week Course will include:

  • CSIA Level 1 & 2 certification
  • AST Level 1
  • ST advanced - NOV & JAN course only
  • Backcountry day
  • Park Training - NOV & JAN course only
  • CADS Level 1 - NOV & JAN course only

YES 7 Week Ski Instructor Courses, Whistler

The 7 week Ski instructor course will take you through the necessary training in order for you to gain the CSIA Level 1 and 2 certification along with the AST 1 avalanche course. The Canadian Ski Alliance (CSIA) Level 1 qualifies you to teach children and adult beginners. The Level 2 certification will take you one step higher allowing you to teach skiers up to intermediate parallel skill level.

The program starts with a fun week of ski improvement. The second week concentrates more on the Level 1 requirements however don't you worry, there's always time for some hot powder laps! The third week you will sit the CSIA Level 1 exam. In the fourth week we take a slight turn and learn about the importance of Avalanche awareness and mountain safety. In the fifth and sixth weeks we're back at it, preparing for the level 2 exam with training and skills specifically required for the Level 2 exam which is held in the final week.

The 7 Week Course will include:

  • CSIA Level 1 & 2 certification
  • AST Level 1
  • Backcountry day

YES 4 Week Ski Instructor Courses, Whistler

The 4-week ski instructor program provides training towards the CSIA Level 1 certification. You will go through two weeks of ski improvement to prepare you for the examination in the third week. This course also includes the super fun and informative Recreational Avalanche Course in the forth week.

Improve your interpersonal skills, become a better communicator and increase your technical knowledge as you advance your skiing to new heights! You will learn how to assess and develop skiers in various teaching and tactics. Program includes technical seminar, on-going assessment of your skiing progress and a personalized evaluation each week from one of our qualified Level 4 Pro's.

The 4 Week Course will include:

  • CSIA Level 1 certification
  • AST Level 1
  • Backcountry day

What level of skier do you need to be? As long as you are linking turns on a blue run (low intermediate) YES can accept you on the course and turn you into a ski god or goddess!

YES Accommdoations YES offers various accommodation options allowing you to create your own experience.

  • YES CATERED CHALETS: These accommodations include 6 delicious dinners weekly and daily continental breakfasts. Meals are prepared by the chalet host daily and all meals are enjoy from the comfort of the house... its like a big family dinner each night!
  • YES SELF-CATERED CHALETS: These accommodations don't include a meals package so the overall cost is cheaper.
  • For our mature age clients (YES that's me too) check out our Career Break Programs page for suitable accommodations and prices. Note that prices on this page are for the main instructor group chalets only.